Identity and Self-determination: The Fertit Opposition in South Sudan
The Fertit community is a minority group in South Sudan that inhabit the former Western Bahr el Ghazal state. Out of it grew an opposition that came to form one of the many groups to take up arms against the Dinka dominated government in Juba and align with Riek Machar’s opposition coalition, the SPLA-IO.
Identity and Self-Determination: The Fertit Opposition in South Sudan, a Briefing Paper from the Small Arms Survey’s Human Security Baseline Assessment in Sudan and South Sudan (HSBA) project analyses the dynamics of this opposition.
The Briefing Paper examines the roots and composition of the Fertit opposition from the 1970s to November 2018, and finds that despite being well organized, internal competition for leadership threatens the unity of the movement. Moreover, it warns that civil conflict is likely to continue despite the 2018 Revitalized Agreement to Resolve the Conflict in South Sudan (RARCSS) peace agreement.
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